Board and Governance
Roles and Responsibilities
Board Members
Board members serve two-year terms, which are renewable for up to three terms. Board members must serve on a committee for one year prior to being eligible to serve as a Board member. Board members are required to attend 6 virtual meetings a year, along with meetings and work related to their committee.
Committee Members
Committees include: Marketing, Programs, Finance, and Membership. Committee members serve for two-year terms, which are renewable. Committees are made up of Board and non-Board members.
If you are interested in getting involved as a committee or future Board member, fill out the interest form at the bottom of the page with the details of which committee you are interested in learning more about.
AIM Board
Below you will find the current AIM Board roster, along with the role they serve on the AIM Board and their professional careers, their areas of expertise, and their contact information.
Elizabeth Bostelman (2023-2024)
AIM Board President
Public Programs Manager / Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art
Contact: ebostleman@eiteljorg.com / 317.275.1348
Areas of expertise: Education and public programming; small museum operation; emerging museum professionals
Teresa Galley (2024-2025)
Board Member
Executive Director / Wabash County Historical Museum
Contact: tgalley@wabashmuseum.org
Areas of expertise: Non-profit management; education and public program development; event management
Angie Day (2024-2025)
Project Manager, Director of Museum Services/ Mussett, Nicholas & Associates
Areas of expertise: Project management; exhibition tour logistics; museum collections and facilities; partnerships
Kaman Hillenburg (2023-2024)
Board Member
Collections Manager / Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science
Contact: kaman@emuseum.org
Areas of expertise: Collections management and inventory; leadership
Roxine Dunbar (2024-2025)
Board Member
Collections Manager / Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum
Contact: rdunbar@brickyard.com
Areas of expertise: Collections management and storage; preventive conservation; museum registration
Bethany Hrachovec (2024-2025)
Director, Education and Engagement / Indiana Historical Society
Contact: bhrachovec@indianahistory.org
Areas of expertise: Programming for all ages; statewide engagement virtually and in-person; management; intern mentorship
Brittany Miller (2023-2024)
Board Member
Eastern Regional Director / Indiana Landmarks
Contact: bmiller@indianalandmarks.org
Areas of expertise: Historic preservation; historic site operation; small museum operation; museum administration
Tania Said (2024-2025)
Vice President
Vice President of Exhibitions and Programs / Minnetrista Museum & Gardens
Contact: tsaid@minnestrista.net
Areas of expertise: Museum education; IDEA; nonprofit organizational and program development
Governance Documents
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting is held virtually in June. The annual meeting is open to all AIM members and interested parties. You can click to read the meeting minutes from 2023 and 2022 annual meetings.
2022-2026 Strategic Plan
Working with stakeholders around the state, the AIM board developed and voted on the new strategic plan in 2022.
AIM By-Laws
The AIM Board voted on the updated by-laws at the 2022 annual meeting.
Let’s Work Together
Interested in serving on a committee or the Board? Want to learn more about how to get involved? Reach out!